This 9th International Conference on Language and Arts (ICLA) elevates a theme “Research and Education Challenges on Languages and Arts in the Corona Virus Pandemic”. Innovation refers to the introduction and creation of new products, ideas, skills, and services that improve an organization or society. It is usually motivated by the desire to change the status quo (which is of course not always bad) to bring about more effective outcomes. Researchers and practitioners are believed to have put their efforts in finding ways to solve problems/ difficulties, to sustain, and at the same time enhance good practices. This conference hopes to introduce and discuss what and how innovations have been made by the researchers and practitioners in language and arts. Professionals including researchers, lecturers, teachers, and postgraduate students are welcome to share their research results and daily innovative practices and ideas which address a wide range of sub-themes provided below.
Theme and Sub-themes
Research and Education Challenges on Languages and Arts in the Corona Virus PandemicSub-Themes:
- Authentic Assessment
- Material Development
- Language Across Curriculum
- Current Teaching Methodology
- Teacher Professional Development
- Curriculum Change and Innovation
- Multimedia in Language and Arts Teaching
- Linguistic Studies
- Language and Variations
- Language, Thought, and Culture
- Critical Literary Studies
- Literature and Culture
- Drama and Performance
- Identity in Arts and Design
- Music and Performance Studies
- Creative Arts
Aim and Scope
The ICLA 2020 conference aims to bring together leading researchers, scholars, teachers, and students from all over the world to share innovations and new trends realized in their experiences and their research results and learn from each other on several aspects of linguistics, literature, arts, and the teaching of languages and arts.
Venue and Activities
Pangeran Beach Hotel, Jln. Juanda No. 79 Padang; on 14 –15 October, 2020; at 7.30 –16.00 WIB.
Call for Papers
Researchers, lecturers, teachers, and students are kindly invited to participate and contribute to help shape the conference. Quality innovative and original results of various types of research, empirical practices and constructive propositions are welcome.
Authors are requested to submit full paper to the Organizing Committee by October 7, 2020. The papers should be written in English and must be between 4 to 6 pages.
All submitted conference abstracts and papers will be blind-reviewed by competent reviewers. The abstract book, and certificate of presentation and participation will be handed at the conference desk.
Selected papers will be published in the proceedings by Atlantis Press. indexed by : Web of Science CPCI-SSH (Conference Proceeding Citation Index-Social Science Humanities) Clarivate Analitycs (formerly known as Thomson Reuters/ISI Web of Knowledge), CNKI, Google Scholar, Compendex (if applicable). All articles get a digital object identifier (DOI).
Indexed by:
Abstract and Paper Submission
To submit an abstract, author must register first (left menu “Registration and Submission System“). Then you can submit your abstract by logging in to this site (“Login”) in the “Registration and Submission System“. Manuscript can be submitted only after authors submit their abstracts. The whole submission process is done fully online (NOT by email) to guarantee smooth administration.
Abstract of research results or innovative ideas should be of 250 words maximum. The abstract should contain title, name of author(s), affiliation, e-mail address, body of abstract, and key words/phrases. The full paper should also be written in English, 9-10 pages in length on A4 paper, containing title, name of author(s), affiliation, e-mail address, abstract (in English); Introduction; Relevant Theoretical Reviews, Data Analysis and Discussion, Conclusion, References, and Short CV of Author (s). For both abstract and full paper, please use MS-Office Word 97-2003 or MS-Office Word 2007, (file”doc”or “docx”); font 12-pt and 1,5 spaces. Please pay attention to the deadlines below. All selected papers are published by Atlantis Press in the form of a Proceeding with ISSN code number or granted further opportunity to be published in Komposisi, Lingua Didaktika, and Humanus, the journals published by the Faculty of Languages and Arts (terms and conditions apply). No Regular Proceedings.
Template of Full Paper: template .
Format: IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Result and Discussion, Conclusion.) (UPDATE 30 August 2017)
Format of Presentation:
Paper presentation via Youtube Video (30 minutes)